photos Sophia Kyrina
goutou goupatou
by Alexandros Papadiamantis
A story of then.
A story of now
The deeply human short story "Goutou Goupatou" by Alexandros Papadiamantis, written 100 years ago, intertwines with true stories of children and adolescents of the 21st century, and, with humour, tenderly touches every person who feels "different".
How can we finally make a fresh start?
A dive into the small universe of Manolios of Tapoi, who was thrown stones by the guys of the market, ridiculed by the girls of the neighborhood, and frightened by the infants and babies. Bullying and mockery are intertwined with tenderness and affection, strangeness and wonder.
A story about otherness, disability, the Other and the ego. A story of the small incidents of daily violence and the big moments of friendship, trust and love.
In a six-member-mixed ensemble, actors with and without disabilities, are transformed, and sing and recount the story of Manolios – a story that is so familiar and similar to their own personal stories...
Η ομάδα Εν Δυνάμει, πάντα αφορμισμένη από τις προσωπικές αναζητήσεις και ανησυχίες των μελών της αλλά και των κοινωνικών ζητημάτων που αφορούν την κοινωνία, προσπαθεί μέσω της Τέχνης να οδηγηθεί προς νέες ανακαλύψεις και να αφυπνίσει την σκέψη των θεατών και όχι μόνο πάνω σε καίρια ζητήματα με θεματική την αναπηρία και όχι μόνο. Στη νέα παράσταση της ομάδας "Γουτού Γουπατού" θεατές και θίασος βυθίζονται σε ένα αναστοχαστικό ταξίδι διερεύνησης του κοινωνικά επιβεβλημένου και προσωπικού στίγματος του καθενός και της καθεμιάς. Με σκοπό τη ζύμωση της αντίληψης πως η αλλαγή προς έναν κόσμο συμπερίληψης βρίσκεται στα χέρια μας.
The programme "Octopus Society" consists of a theatre performance of the short story by Alexandros Papadiamantis "Goutou Goupatou", followed by an experiential workshop. The theatrical form of the play incorporates elements of narrative and music. The ensemble, two actors with disabilities and four without, tells the story as a whole. Any space where the presentation takes place can become a stage, which is transformed during the performance.
The play borrows the structure of Ancient Drama by using a prologue, which introduces the audience to the theme of the play, and a transgression, where the actors address the spectators, distancing themselves from the narrative, in order to reveal its timelessness. Despite the fact that "Goutou Goupatou" was written 100 years ago, the incidents mentioned are present in every current community, school, village and city.
The aim is to mobilize the viewers' thinking on key social issues, such as human rights, diversity, intimidation, disability, and equality.
Through the workshop, the participants and the ensemble are immersed in a reflective journey, where they explore the socially-imposed and personal stigma of each and every individual. The end goal is to understand that changing the world into a world of inclusion lays in our hands. Depending on the needs and capabilities of each organization, the "Octopus Society" programme may include both the "Goutou Goupatou" performance and workshop, or just the theatre performance. The workshop includes experiential theatrical pedagogical exercises, role-playing games, creative writing and narration, while it can also be adapted to correspond to the particularities of each audience.
Artistic director: Eleni Dimopoulou
Directed by: Giorgos-Zisis Bilionis
Dramaturgy: Giota Kouitzoglou
Original music: Kostas Vombolos
Stage design: Evaggelia Kirkine
Choreographer: Vitoria Kotsalou
Lighting/ stage construction: Richard Anthony
Musical instructor: Maria Hela
Assistant director: Agapi Theodoridou-Kounini
Auxiliary recordings: Tanya Jones
Photos: Sofia Kyrina, Sofia Konstantinidou
Video: Giorgos Georgakopoulos
Poster design/ printed & digital material: Phaethon Vandoros
Production organization: Sofia Kyrina, Eleni Dimopoulou
Performing in alphabetical order: Sofia Bletsou, Michalis Dolopoulos, Elias Kougioumtzis, Panagiotis Matziris, Haris Serdari, Danai Tsorlini.